Approved CODA literature


CoDA literature is available from your local CoDA meeting. We use literature for our own understanding, as part of our recovery and for working the 12 Steps, the CoDA recovery program.

If you would like a 'Newcomers Kit' with several brochures suitable for people just starting to explore CoDA, either pick one from a local meeting or download here .

You can also look through the Topic Group readings here.

How to Order:

Our Online Store is the easy way to order literature.

A paper based order form is here.

The Following CoDA Literature is Available:

Books and Workbooks

  • Co-Dependents Anonymous - This is the main CoDA text, an in depth reading on recovery, our fellowship, common questions, and personal stories from co-dependents. This is also available as a Kindle book; Click Here

  • Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Workbook - takes the reader through the Steps & Traditions with a brief explanation followed by a series of questions. For both individual or group study.

  • The First 14 Days - The workbook for sponsees who are being sponsored in CoDA to working the first part of the CoDA recovery program.

  • In This Moment - Daily meditations. This is also available as a Kindle Book. Click Here

Pamphlet Packs

CoDA USA publishes a number of pamphlets that been combined by CoDA Australasia into 3 packs.

Newcomer Welcome Pack:

  • Welcome to Co-Dependents Anonymous

  • What is CoDA

  • Your First Meeting

  • Attending Meetings

  • Typical Characteristics of Co-Dependence

Member Pamphlet Pack

  • Stablishing Boundaries in Recovery

  • Communication and Recovery

  • Using the 12 Traditions

  • Sponsorship in CoDA

  • Dealing with Disagreements

  • Recovery Patterns of Co-Dependence

Recovery Pamphlet Pack

  • Coda Guidelines for Anonymity In Social Media

  • Working the Steps as a Group

  • CoDA Guidelines for Following The Twelve

  • Traditions In Service Work

  • Twelve Tips for Sponsors


  • Affirmation Booklet - A collection of positive affirmations for recovering co-dependents in pocket size.

  • Building CoDA Communities : Why Healthy Meetings Matter - Discusses the elements of a healthy meeting and the characteristics of each.

  • CoDA Prayers - This is a collection of Prayers from Conference Approved Literature.

  • Carrying the Message - Living the Twelfth Step, practical examples of healthy service work essential to the continuation of any meeting and to CoDA as a whole. How to say “yes” to service work

  • Common Threads of Co-dependency - Co-dependants talk about co-dependency, recovery, relapse and authenticity.

  • Experiences with Crosstalk - Experience, strength, and hope on what crosstalk is and how some members deal with it.

  • Making Choices - Offers guidance in recognizing how to make choices that support our recovery, it explores co-dependent and healthy behaviours.

  • Newcomers Handbook - A detailed description of the CoDA program.

  • Peeling the Onion - Characteristics of Co-dependents revisited — Co-dependants look at Love, Sex, & Relationship Addiction
    and Avoidance.

  • Sponsorship Handbook - An in-depth look at various forms of sponsorship.

  • Tools of Recovery - Members share experience, strength & hope with different tools useful in their recovery.

  • Traditionally Speaking, Finding Solutions - This booklet expands our understanding of CoDA’s Twelve Traditions. Members share their experience in applying the spiritual principles of CoDA meetings and service work to improve all their relationships: in CoDA, at home, at work, and everywhere.

  • Twelve Piece Relationship Toolkit - The purpose of this booklet is to serve as a companion to CoDA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Workbook in support of our Tradition Three, a desire for healthy and loving relationships.

  • Twelve Step Handbook - A detailed look at each of the Twelve Steps and how they apply to daily life.

Other Items

  • New Meeting Starter Kit - All the information you need to start a new groups.

  • Mini new starter kit - a cut down version of the New Meeting Starter Kit with just essential items.

  • Brochure for Health Professionals - information on CoDA for health professionals

  • Public Information Pack - posters set suitable for publicising your CoDA meeting.

  • CoDA CD - recordings from CoDA USA conventions.

  • Working Stepp 4 in CoDA - Ideas and approaches for working Step 4

  • First 14 Days Workbook - A resource for sponsee’s doing the first 14 days with a sponsor or co-sponsor.