Resources for CoDA groups

Starting a Meeting

Register or Update your Group's Details

A New Meeting Starter Kit - You can download this  or purchase it for $10 from The CoDA National Service Office including a set of all The CoDA Pamphlets.

Mini Starter Kit - this is a short version of the above kit to get you going. 

Meeting Format Examples - A suggested standard format is included in the Starter Kit.

Press Release - For notifying newspapers of a meeting

Seventh Tradition Donation Link - All groups are encouraged to support our National Service Office to help the Fellowship in its primary purpose "Carrying the message of recovery to Co-dependents who still suffer". Donations go to help with costs such as phone bills, office rent, public information, literature , public liability insurance, sending intergroup meeting reports to all group reps etc. This may also be done by using the donate link on the front page on the website. Otherwise please feel free to use the following bank details ot make a donation:

BSB: 062-223 Acct: 2803 2042

Public Information Kits - For use when dealing with and mailing out to professionals about the CoDA fellowship.

Public Liability 2024-2025

Certificate of Currency

Public Liability Policy


The First 14 Days Workbook - For sponsees and co-sponsors working through the beginning of the CoDA program.

Sponsor Questions - For sponsors taking sponsees through 'The First 14 Days' part of the CoDA program.

Newcomers Pack - A welcome note and 3 brochures on CoDA and Co-dependency

Topic Readings for Monthly Focus Groups 

A great list of readings to be read in meetings or for topic meetings.

Am I Co-Dependent? 

Attending Meetings  

For Health Professionals

Introduction for Newcomers - Wanting healthy relationships?

Communication and Recovery 

Fellowship in Recovery

Healthy Boundaries in Recovery

Recovery From Co-dependence 

Using the 12 Traditions  

What is CoDA?

Reproduction for any other reason or by non CoDA members is not permitted. Please contact webmaster

For Meeting Use

The Twelve Steps - The CoDA 12 Steps

The Twelve Traditions - The CoDA 12 Traditions

The 12  Promises  - The CoDA 12 Promises

The Preamble - The CoDA Preamble

The CoDA Welcome - The CoDA Welcome

Characteristics of Co-Dependency - The CoDA Characteristics of Co-Dependency

The Serenity Prayer - The Serenity Prayer

The Opening Prayer - The CoDA Opening Prayer

The Closing Prayer - The CoDA Closing Prayer

'For Safety Sake' Tent Card For use in Meetings

'Whom We See Here..' - Tent card for use at meetings

Group Conscience Guidelines - Guidelines for our group decision process

Tips for a Healthy Meeting Ideas for keeping a meeting healthy.

Letter from Founders of CoDA on the 25th Birthday in 2011

To Subscribe to CoDA Newsletters and Announcements You can subscribe to CoDA International Newsletters and Board Announcements.

The above may not be used or republished without the express written consent of Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc. These documents may only be reprinted for use by members and groups of the CoDA Fellowship.  

Copyright © 2010 Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc. and its licensors - All Rights Reserved.